Le Canada et l’impressionnisme. Nouveaux horizons (French)

Code: 9788874398669

$40.00 CAD

By Katerina Atanassova, with contributions by Krista Broeckx, Tobi Bruce, Adam Gopnik, Anna Hudson, Laurier Lacroix, Loren Lerner, Tracey Lock, Gerta Moray, Julie Nash, and Sandra Paikowsky.

Le Canada et l’impressionnisme. Nouveaux horizons casts off the enduring notions associated with French Impressionism by shedding light on the contributions of Canadian artists to this widespread movement. The first of its kind, this publication adds a new chapter to the history of World Impressionism as it positions the work of the Canadian Impressionists within the cosmopolitan milieus of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Progressing from Impressionistic renderings of contemporary life to interpretations of reality through the lenses of Fauvism, Post-Impressionism, and subsequent modes of expression, Impressionism in Canada evolved into a form of modernity tailored to the spirit of a young nation.

Hardcover | 296 pages (290 illustrations)
23 x 28 cm (9 x 11 in.) 
Publication Date: 2020


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