Paolo Véronèse. Le retable Petrobelli (French)

Code: 9787100002899

$10.00 CAD

Xavier Salomon, Jennifer Fletcher, Stephen Gritt 

The Petrobelli Altarpiece was painted by Paolo Veronese around 1563 for the Petrobelli family burial chapel near Venice; in 1788, the large painting was ruthlessly cut down and sold in pieces. Paolo Véronèse. Le Retable Petrobelli reunites the four parts of Veronese's glorious altarpiece, which have not been seen together since the painting's brutal division. The reunion and reconstruction of the altarpiece is a unique occasion to re-evaluate this Venetian Renaissance masterpiece. 

Paper | 160 pages 
17 x 24 cm (6.7 x 9.45 in.) 
Publication date: 2009


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